When you hand out your business card, you want it to be saved by your potential client and not thrown in the trash, right? Here are some tips to prevent your card from ending up in the waste paper bin:
- Use a standard size 3.5 inch x 2 inch business card: In some industries unique cards are preferred to stand out from the crowd. But the majority of people should use a card that will fit easily in a wallet or business card holder and will not get lost due to its size and shape.
- The higher quality the harder it is to throw it away: It’s hard for most people to trash an object with some perceived value. If you have a professional looking card on good stock paper, it will give off a sense of being of value and it will be harder for a person to dispose of. If you hand out a card that is bent, torn, stained or cheap looking, it looks like trash already.
- Readability: Not everyone can read an 8 point font. Although it may look modern or cool to use really small text, most people suffer from some kind of vision problems and if the text is too small on your card a person just may be physically unable to read it.
I hope you remember some of these tips when you design your business cards!
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